Your support helps people in Coles County.

Your support helps people in Coles County.
United Way of Coles County funded programs impact nearly every resident of Coles County directly or indirectly. A gift to our United Way enhances the quality of life for people in Coles County— the place where we live, work, and raise our families. Thank you for supporting our community the United Way.
What Does Our United Way Do?
Our goal is to help people in crisis and to help people improve their lives and become stable and self-sufficient. We identify issues within the community and fund programs that address those issues.
How Do We Help?
This is where it gets a little more complex.
We partner with 30 local agencies and fund programs that address the issues in this community. When you look at our list of partners (see Partner Agencies tab) you can see the broad range and variety of support our funding provides throughout this county. And we can only do this with your help. Together, we are making lives better locally.
United Way is the Perfect Choice
The number of donation requests grow every day, especially with the social media ask, and so many strike at our hearts. We worry about making the right choice and about how to make the maximum impact when we cannot give to them all. We fund 30 programs to help with various issues like helping the hungry and homeless, those who have been abused, and children who are struggling.
114 N 16th St, PO Box 868, Mattoon, IL 61938, US
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm (by appointment)
Saturday and Sunday: Closed